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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Honestly, tonight i really just didn't feel like blogging. And came close to it, but thankfully i did. Continuing missions week i'm am going to be talking about a dear family, the one i mentioned yesterday. This family isn't missionaries out of the country, but they are in Memphis. First off i want to give you their blog link, so you can hear more about their story. here's their blog, you should read it, it's pretty inspiring. I mentioned this yesterday, but we have known them for 11 yrs. We met at our old church our old church's website I'm not quite sure how we heard about Fellowship, but we were members there for 7 yrs. The Ottinger family is a family we will never be able to forget. Mark & Tona have been married for i think 16 yrs now, and they have four children, all adopted. Yesterday i told you how old they were & where they are from. They started their adoption process in 2000. Not knowing about this, a couple months later,  they received a letter saying congrats on baby Camden. Some random people supported everything, even the trip to South Korea. Still today, they don't know.  Isn't that the most amazing thing you have ever heard of ?! And Mia, ahhhh she is one of my best friends and one of the sweetest people i know. She was adopted FOUR MONTHS AFTER CAMDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They had a 10 month baby boy & now a four month baby girl! That to me is incredible how they got through those first few  years.  Mallie is Brook's best buddy. She was adopted at age 3. We were there at the airport when she was brought home from China. I can remember the happiness on their faces when they got to meet their new baby\big sister. Dax, the youngest was adopted before Mallie. Save the best for the last, aww little Dax. He was adopted in 2004 & had a liver transplant in 2008 because of  liver failure due to being born with congenital CMV. He was diagnosed with liver cancer at the time the transplant, but has been cancer free since his transplant!!!!! We thank God that he is still here with us, he's a precious gift from the Lord.He is now healthy & happy. DAX ISN'T THE LAST, SURPRISE THEY ARE ADOPTING FROM CHINA AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, they are adopting another little girl from China! Just like Mallie. Her name is Mae Yosell. I don't know that much about her, but if you read their blog, which you should, she talks about it. They still need to finish raising support before they can go to China. Their goal is to raise $35,000, & they have raised $26,000 already. If you can give please do, it would mean sooooo much to the Ottinger family. Please do what you can to help this family. If you would like to give, you can give through their blog, (it's linked above). If you can't give that's ok, but please be praying for them that they raise the support they need.


Mark & Tona 
All of the Ottinger kids a couple years ago

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